Have the winter skin blues?
During the winter months it's not uncommon to suffer from dry, flakey, dull skin: or you may still have your usual oily skin along with dry patches during the winter months. Properly treating your skin can be tricky. Everyone has suggestions as to what works for them, but how do you know what products will fit your skin's needs? Coming to a local day spa and visiting with an esthetician for a facial can help you answer all of your skincare needs.
Benefits of regularly having facials:
- Having a skin analysis can help pinpoint your skin type and what products and treatments would be best suited for you.
- Keeping your skin healthy and moisturized helps to slow the process of aging.
- Skin is your body’s largest organ. It helps keep toxins, dirt, and germs out of the body. So the healthier your skin, the healthier your body can be.
- A lot of dirt, toxins, and dead skin cells can build up on your skin. Washing and exfoliating at home can help remove them; but a professional exfoliation done at a spa can penetrate deeper layers of the skin which allows for deeper product penetration as well.
- It's great for your mental health as well. You can take a step out of your busy, stressful lifestyle and take time to treat yourself. It's more then just caring for you're skin, it’s caring for your whole body and relaxing in the process.
Visiting a local esthetician regularly and following a suggested skin regimen can greatly increase the condition of your skin, as well as your body’s over all health. Visit a local day spa and esthetician today to enjoy all the great health benefits...and relax in the process!
Health Benefits of Tea
Drinking tea not only provides an intoxicating sensory and flavorful taste experience, but helps promote good health. Since ancient times, the Chinese and others in the East have valued tea's medicinal properties and praised its many health benefits. Today, scientific research and modern medicine affirm that tea, whether black, green, white, or even herbal infusions, may provide an impressive list of health benefits.
Benefits of Drinking Tea:
- Tea drinkers have an enhanced overall fluid intake.
- Vitamins: C, K, B12, B6, and E.
- Minerals: Trace amounts of Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, Calcium; tea provides 70% of our daily fluoride intake.
- Amino Acids: Tea is a strong source of amino acids including L-theanine based on research performed at Harvard University and Brigham and Women's Hospital.
- All tea, but white and green tea in particular, because of their high level of antioxidants are thought to prevent free radicals which are shown to cause aging, and heart disease.
When visiting your local day spa they often offer a full array of various teas to enjoy before and after your spa treatments. So partake and enjoy!