Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dry winter weather playing havoc with your skin?

Winter weather: Dry skin is especially common in the winter months, when the humidity level outside drops. When the air outside is cold and dry, the water in your skin evaporates more quickly; this makes your skin feel dry and tight, and makes it look flaky. In fact, your skin loses more than 25 percent of its ability to hold moisture in the winter. Windy weather (especially if you enjoy winter sports) can cause your skin to look and feel dry and chapped.  
The solution: Protect your skin by wearing protective clothing, gloves, and scarves to shield it from the elements. Be sure to apply a rich moisturizing lotion (immediately after showering to lock in moisture) that contains ingredients like glycerin that help hold moisture in paying special attention to your hands, feet, elbows, and knees.  Also for your skin and especially your face, schedule moisturizing and hydrating facials and massages on a regular basis to keep your skin looking soft, smooth, supple and beautiful.

Indoor heating: Many of us spend more time inside in the winter and use indoor heating. Dry indoor air not only dries out your skin, it also dries out your mucous membranes, leading to dry, chapped lips, dry noses (nosebleeds), and dry throat (hoarseness, sore throat).

The solution: Set your heater to the lowest setting that’s comfortable, and use a humidifier, especially at night. This will replace the moisture in the air that gets sucked out by dry indoor heat. The humidifier helps hydrate dry skin and soothes chapped lips, dry throat, and nasal passages.

And of course visit your local day spa for expert moisturizing treatments or to purchase the best product for your skin type.

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